Monday, January 18, 2010

Rain Calls for Lemons

So it's rainy outside today. Rain means lots of things in the Sudduth house. It has always meant cozy, inside, sleepy days. With the advent of children it has meant stir-crazy days filled with lots of creative activities. For me, today, it just seemed like lemons were in order. We've been getting lemons in our produce box, and I've yet to do anything with them.
My mom makes the best, no the BEST, no THE BEST lemon bars ever! Trust me, I've tried others. Nothing like reaching for something that looks to be just as good, my mouth watering expecting that yellow, perfectly tangy, perfectly sweet yummy goodness when reality hits. That's just not my mom's lemon bar! No, Corner Bakery, your lemon bars do not even come close. Well, today I decided to do the unthinkable: change the recipe. I wanted to make lemon bars a little more healthy. All the yummm without the guilt, ya know?
Here's her recipe:
~ Sift together 2 cups flour and 1/2 cup powdered sugar. Add & combine 1 cup melted butter, and then press into the bottom of a greased 9x13 baking dish. Bake for 20 minutes @ 350 degrees.
~ Meanwhile combine: 2 cups sugar, 1 tsp baking powder, 4 eggs, 4 T lemon juice (from real lemons, and if comes in a bottle and is self-proclaimed "Real Lemon Juice", it's not from real lemons) and 4 tsp (or so) grated lemon peel.
~Pour over warm crust and stick it back in the oven for 25 minutes. Chill, and before serving cut into 2" squares & sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Here's my new (and hopefully improved) recipe:
~ Blend: 2 cups whole wheat flour, 3 oz agave nectar, 1 1/2 sticks butter. Press into the bottom of a greased 9x13 baking dish. Bake for 20 minutes @ 325 degrees.
~ Meanwhile combine: 1 1/2 cups agave nectar, 1 tsp baking powder, 4 eggs, 4 T lemon juice (from real lemons, and if comes in a bottle and is self-proclaimed "Real Lemon Juice", it's not from real lemons) and 4 tsp (or so) grated lemon peel. (I got enough juice from 1 lemon, but needed 4 to get enough rind. Buy 4 lemons, just in case.)
~Pour over warm crust and stick it back in the oven for 25-30 minutes. Chill, and before serving cut into 2" squares. Sadly I omitted the decorative powdered sugar.

So I gotta tell ya, my updated version of one of my favorite dessert recipes is pretty darn close. I used the agave substitution suggestions here very carefully and it seems to have worked great. They aren't nearly as pretty, and perhaps a bit more crumbly. If making for guests, you may want to use unbleached flour and a lighter agave (I used blue agave) for aesthetic reasons only. I will definitely be making these again. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited to make these today! I am even more excited to follow your blog! This is right up my alley! Yay!
