Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dear Sprouts, I ♥ U!

I just got my weekly mailer from Sprouts, and almost missed the "BUY A $100 SPROUTS GIFT CARD!! for only $89.99" sprawled accross the top. (I don't know why my eyes always miss things in big, bold print. It's likely that I might need massive amounts of therapy.)

What a deal, 10% off groceries! Stockin' up!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing all of these wonderful ideas! My bff Sarah Fitzpatrick mentioned you on her blog, and i knew i had to check you out! i don't think we've ever met, but if so and i've just forgotten, please forgive me!!! I've been on a 21 day fast from everything but veggies, fruits, and grains from the earth, i've been amazed at how much junk i normally consume! anyway, i'd love to start making some changes to my whole family's diet, not just my own, and these are some terrific ideas, so thank you! also, what are your go-to grocery stores? i'd love some tips on where you get your staple food items! blessings! lolly caruana

  2. Hi Lolly! Sorry it's taken me so long, I've been thinking on your question and I don't really know how to answer it! I'm sure Sarah's told you about our produce which I've been meaning to blog about, and the farmer's market is another great, fun, low-cost option.

    I don't hit the grocery store often. Lots of things I can get at Trader Joe's, and I love it when I can because they have great prices. Then I kind of bounce back and forth between Sprouts and Henry's, depending on what's on sale. But mostly Sprouts because they're closer to me and their regular prices are lower than Henry's. For grains, you can find wheat berries and bulgar berries in the bins at those places if you have a desire to try grinding them yourself. I've also gotten into the habit of buying some things that have a longer shelf-live and are more expensive like agave, gelatin, cultures, etc. on Amazon to save money.

    I'm really excited to see some of your feedback!
