Friday, January 1, 2010

About Mmmwah

A few people have suggested me starting a blog. Sounds like a great idea, but I'm not really that into blogs. I can never remember to read them, and honestly, would much rather meet for coffee than spend another second in front of the computer catching up. That said, the idea of having one place to send everyone when I get emails about a certain topic does appeal to me. So... stop by, stay if you like, get cozy, and pretend we're talking over coffee, sound good?

A little about me:
~ I am a child of God. This is number one for a reason. I am not ashamed to tell you that my relationship with Jesus Christ absolutely defines me and is core to who I am. I bask in our blossoming relationship and look forward to how He grows and stretches me in ways no one else can.
~ I have an amazing husband. He's really great and I love talking about him! His name is Jon. I encourage you to get to know the guy if you're ever blessed with the chance. He's God-fearing, hardworking, loving, loyal, affectionate, passionate, and he fights honorably for our family. He is an amazing father to my children which, I've got to admit, makes me fall more and more in love with him every day. Which brings me to...
~ My kids: I love them. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em. We laugh, we cry, we go wild, we pull our hair out; all in a days work. Mothering is so very different than I'd always dreamed it to be, and oh-so-much better. My son was born in 2007 and my daughter 15ish months later. I love them equally but for completely different reasons. I love to talk about them, too, but I guess that's not really what this is about. We'll save that for a real coffeebreak sometime, K?

So, what do I do that is so blog-worthy? Well, I've invested quite a chunk of my life lately into finding out how I can feed my family wholesome, time-honored food. OK, let's go back a little further. I wasn't exactly a cook when I got married. And since my firefighter hubby was home during the day while I was at work, he started out as our family chef. After a little while some friends and I started a meal exchange group. We'd each mass produce one recipe and once a month get together and exchange them. So, basically, I learned to cook in bulk and freeze things. As time went on, I started questioning conventional cooking practices and wondering if it's really the best idea to be eating some of the things our generation has become accustomed to eating. Over time, I've read several books and developed my own way of taking care of our family's nutritional needs. I use old fashioned recipes, ingredients, and wisdom, and have incorporated my well-learned habit of cooking a lot and freezing for future use. So even though these recipes are more involved and time-consuming, I probably spend less time in the kitchen overall the average mama.

Lastly, I do not have it all figured out! In fact, I'd venture to say I don't have much figured out. Keep that in mind as you're browsing. This is a learning process for me and part of the intrigue is that I'll be kept accountable. Those who know me best will tell you I'm very opinionated, and I don't apologize for that. But as much as I cling to my convictions, you can know that I value yours and am absolutely open to the Lord (albeit, painfully) changing my mind about things. I'm not sure where this will go and what sorts of things will end up here, but I thought I'd give you that just in case!

1 comment:

  1. I figure I should introduce myself since I am going to be spending time looking at your blog. My name is Joanna Reynolds. I found your blog through Sarah Fitzpatrick. I am really looking forward to learning more about the food choices that you are making for you family. I'm in the process of figuring out what that means for me and will take all the help I can get. Love your blog...keep it up!
